Portfolio surgery with Chris Jackson.

Had a half hour tutorial today with Chris Jackson where we went through my portfolio. Started off by going through my portfolio and explaining project intentions etc, and then he went back through and gave me his feedback and general thoughts for each project.

He was generally happy with what he saw, said it was nice to see some branding as that's what he specialises in.

Points to consider for portfolio:
- Make images bigger - losing some of the detail on the stationary photographs
- Spread projects across both pages - black is quite distracting
- Get rid of hyphens, even on larger blocks of text
- Generally tidy up type
- Dont put too much on one page
- Add more detail to AR branding (plans)

- Really likes my self branding
- Really like TF branding
- Likes the concept for AR branding
- Layout is done well and considered
- I have a great eye for typography
- Nice to see my type design in context (how magazine)
- Good to see i've pushed the briefs to their potential in terms of range

He asked me about briefs I was thinking of doing for the FMP, I told him my rough ideas. He basically told me to continue doing what I'm doing and just get more of what I had.

He also said he would like to catch up with me next time he comes in, which is promising. So I intend to get my portfolio clarified for then. Also gave him my business card, which he was keen to have.

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